First Thursday Monthly Map Wipes - No BPs/Workbench
Join the STEAM GROUP CHAT for questions or concerns. Discrimination of any type will not be tolerated. Keep it friendly and clean - ENJOY!

Players: 4 - Connected: 0 - Joining: 0
Server Uptime: 3d 03h 02m

The server can be limited to donators for the first week of wipe. New accounts and cheaters with more then one VAC/Gameban are already banned. Some plugins are unique to this server, and none are default. I want to keep it simple here, nothing strange - the rust everyone knows. I hate seeing all the poorly configured servers and players either taking advantage of, or just being confused by it.

The server maintains a 99.99% uptime with automated restarts, updates, and wipes. I do a lot of things the 'big servers' do without giving battlemetrics your information. Gaming and servers have always been a hobby of mine. Rust is not the most friendly community, but I aim to keep the children and bad sports to a minimum.


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Server Plugins/Mods